“You, my old son, are a terrible liar.” — Alfred, to Bruce
Alfred: I wonder if it might be convenient for you to visit us tomorrow.
Jim: Of course. Why? Is something wrong?
Alfred: I don’t know. Never had a child before.
Jim: Nor me.
Alfred: The boy respects you.
“Bite me, pigarina.” — Selina
“Hey. Relax, kid. Juvie’s not so bad. First week, whatever you do, don’t make friends with anyone that’s friendly. When you get into a fight, go for their eyes.” — Selina
Jim: Hi. What’s your name?
Selina: Why is that your business?
Jim: Is he getting professional help?
Alfred: Oh, you mean a psychiatrist? No, no, he won’t have ’em. No psychiatrists. That’s a rule.
Jim: You make the rules, don’t you? You’re his guardian.
Alfred: Bruce’s father gave me very firm orders, was him and his missus to die. Now, I will raise the boy the way his father told me to raise him.
Jim: Which is how?
Alfred: Trust him to choose his own course. He is, after all, a Wayne.
Jim: Sounds like a recipe for disaster.
“Haven’t I told you to stop creeping up on people like that before? It’s bloody rude!”
— Alfred to Bruce
“I’m perfectly fine. Alfred’s a worrywart.”
— Bruce
“You’re not a very good liar.”
— Bruce to Jim
Jim: Bruce, you’re hurting yourself.
Bruce: I’m testing myself! Different, but I appreciate your concern.
Bruce: I feel very sorry for all those poor children.
Jim: Me too.
Bruce: I’ll give you some money to give to them.
Jim: I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way, Bruce.
Bruce: What way does it work?
Jim: Those children need someone who cares for them, like you have, right here. [Points towards Alfred] Money won’t buy that.
Bruce: There must be something I can do. What about clothes? They all looked awfully ragged.
Jim: They did, didn’t they?
Cop: Cat, even if you didn’t have outstanding warrants, you’re 13. No parents or guardians.
Selina: That’s not true. I have a mom.
Cop: Says here she’s deceased.
Selina: That’s not true. She’s alive. Someplace.
Selina: Go get him [Jim]. Or… I’ll say you touched me.
Cop: Excuse me?
Selina: James Gordon. I’m gonna scream in about three seconds.
Jim: Selina, is it?
Selina: Cat.
Jim: Those bastards nearly got you twice, huh? You’re quite a survivor.
Selina: You have no idea.
Selina: I’ve been watching you. You’re a friend of the boy. You’re not like the rest of these crooks.
Jim: The boy? Bruce?
“I saw who really killed the Waynes. Saw him clear as day.”
— Selina
Selina: So why do you care who really killed the Waynes?
Jim: Because I want to see the person responsible brought to justice.
Selina: Did you read that in a book or something?
Jim: And I made a promise to the boy.
Selina: I saw him for a second.
Jim: You saw him? Here? In the dark?
Selina: I can see in the dark.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you not to run away, but… well… I don’t.” — Jim to Selina
“Oh, detective? You’re gonna need these.” — Selina to Jim, after getting out of her cuffs
Bruce: I’m looking for clues.
Alfred: What, so you’re a detective now, are you?
Bruce: If I find a clue, I am.
“Detective James Gordon. One of your counselors brought me a girl this morning, and I signed for custody. That’s what I’m saying, I can’t bring her back, she got away. Yeah? Well, I’m not happy about it either!” — Jim, on the phone, about Selina
Alfred: Well, I imagine the criminals of Gotham are sleeping well tonight!
Bruce: He killed people. That made him a criminal too.
Alfred: That’s very true.
[About the balloonman, a vigilante arrested by the police]