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Posted by [url=https://www.instagram.com/p/BwsowuTg2Vy/]sherrythomaslane[/url] on Instagram - April 25, 2019
"When you #cast a pilot it's like having a baby - for me anyway. But you only get ten weeks not nine months to birth it. Before the costumes and all other movie magic, come the soul and work of the actor. You gave it and you got it. I remember every single audition, self-tape, screen test, conversation about every one of these badass talented actors (and those not even pictures) that is #Gotham"

Posted by sherrythomaslane on Instagram - April 25, 2019
"When you #cast a pilot it's like having a baby - for me anyway. But you only get ten weeks not nine months to birth it. Before the costumes and all other movie magic, come the soul and work of the actor. You gave it and you got it. I remember every single audition, self-tape, screen test, conversation about every one of these badass talented actors (and those not even pictures) that is #Gotham"

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