The last chapter of the animated comic “Gotham Stories” aired this Monday, and the whole story is now available online. Watch it below, and check out some captures of the video in the gallery!
Link to the gallery:
Screen Captures > Season 2 > “Gotham Stories”: The Whole Frozen Affair
The fourth chapter of “Gotham Stories” aired last night on FOX and is available online. Watch it below!
“Gotham” returns Monday, February 29, on FOX.
Chapter 3 of “Gotham Stories”, the animated comic, is already online, and you can watch it below.
Watch below the second chapter of the animated comic “Gotham Stories”.
Alternative links:,
Thanks to Ben McKenzie News for the YouTube link!
The first chapter of the animated comic “Gotham Stories” is now online, and you can watch it below.
Starting tomorrow night (Monday 1st), Fox will air the “untold story of Gotham’s underworld” in a five-part animated comic, during “The X-Files”. Watch the promo below, which includes a first look at Selina Kyle.
Source: Comic Book Universe via Gotham Wiki