
Welcome to The Bat & The Cat, a fanpage dedicated to "Gotham" characters Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, aka young Batman and Catwoman, played by David Mazouz and Camren Bicondova.

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CBR.com (2019)

'Gotham' Star Camren Bicondova Says Selina's Catwoman Costume Won't Have Ears

January 18, 2019   |   Written by Charlie Ridgely

After this week’s new episode of “Gotham”, Selina Kyle is closer to becoming Catwoman than ever before. She’s got a revamped attitude, razor sharp claws, and an eye for the dangerous side of life. At some point this season, the beloved “Gotham” character will eventually become Catwoman, but her final look will be a bit different than comic fans might be expecting.

“Gotham” star Camren Bicondova recently took some time to speak with ComicBook.com about Selina’s journey this season, and we had to ask about the endgame. Is Selina’s eventual Catwoman suit going to have the classic ears?

“No. No. They are nowhere near and I’m thankful for it,” Bicondova told us.

​”I was really adamant about the claws and that was really the only thing that I was adamant about as far as bringing to Selina’s character,” the actress continued. “But I don’t think ears are in the future of [her costume], I don’t think so.

“‘Gotham’ is just, that’s what I’ve loved about what John Glaser has done with the show is, he’s the costume director, or designer, and he’s got inspiration from the comics, I mean I’ve literally gawked at their vision boards. But he brings a sense of realism to it and he brings a sense of reality and just this raw edge to everything. So ears aren’t part of that, you know?”

Bicondova’s take on Selina Kyle has mirrored different aspects of Catwoman over the years. The relationship with Bruce has always been a constant, but the physical elements of the character have slowly been creeping onto the show. It started with the goggles on top of her head, then it was the use of the whip as a primary weapon. Now she has claws and a set of cat-inspired fighting techniques that make her more dangerous than ever before. Everything about this character embodies what we’ve come to know and love about Catwoman over the years, so the ears aren’t really that big of a deal in the long run. Judging by the way the costumes have been handled so far, the final Catwoman suit will undoubtedly be a home run.

Are you looking forward to seeing Catwoman arrive on “Gotham”? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

New episodes of “Gotham” air on Thursday nights at 8 pm ET on FOX.
