Prior to the airing of “Heroes Rise: These Delicate and Dark Obsessions”, Ben McKenzie, who directed the episode, talked with 21th Century Fox Blog about his experience behind the camera. When asked about a scene he’s particularly proud of, Ben mentions David Mazouz (spoiler alert!):
I’m also proud of the work of David Mazouz [who plays Bruce Wayne] with Raymond J. Barry, who plays The Shaman character who’s mentoring Bruce. I think both David and Ray did excellent work, and their storyline in the episode culminates with Ray giving a call to action to Bruce saying that the city needs a protector and needs to be defended, and you see the beginnings of that glint in Bruce’s eye showing he will become the Batman. With a slow camera push-in and the beautiful score swelling behind it, it’s quite a moving little piece and I’m proud of it. Robert Hull, who wrote the episode and whom I should give a lot of credit to, delivered on some great dialogue. As a fan of the Batman canon, it was a real treat for me to direct an iconic scene like that.
“Heroes Rise: These Delicate and Dark Obsessions” airs tomorrow, May 1, at 8/7c, on FOX.
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