
Welcome to The Bat & The Cat, a fanpage dedicated to "Gotham" characters Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle, aka young Batman and Catwoman, played by David Mazouz and Camren Bicondova.

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Digital Spy visited the set of “Gotham” and talked to the actors about what is to come in the second half of the first season (the show will only return Monday, March 16, to Channel 5, in the UK). Here are the parts concerning Camren Bicondova’s Selina Kyle and David Mazouz’s Bruce Wayne:

Blame the parents

“Gotham” actors have been wising up on DC Comics since they were cast. John Doman, who plays Carmine Falcone, has enjoyed the research and discovered a potential storyline he is keen to explore. “I don’t know whether this is going to happen in the show but I believe that in the Batman stories Catwoman is actually Carmine’s daughter,” he says. “Bruno said, ‘If you have any ideas, tell me’. That’s the only one I talked about so far. That’s big.”


An early (Dark) Knight

What “Gotham” kids actually need, apart from an early night, is a dose of good parenting and some boundaries. Maybe that’s why David Mazouz has turned out so well – he reveals that he went through a lengthy auditioning process to play Bruce Wayne but when he finally secured the role his mum made him wait an extra day before telling him. “She didn’t wanna tell me that day because I’d got into trouble at school,” he explains.

Bruce is not going to discover the bat cave any time soon but he’s slowly developing skills for the future. “You really see hints to his Batman-like qualities,” says Mazouz. “You see his determination in finding out who killed his parents. You see his intelligence throughout that process, also his eagerness, his passion, all the qualities Batman has. Continually, gradually you’ll see more and more, little Easter eggs of those.”

Mazouz has already puffed his chest out for “a mini Batman” shot in a previous episode and way back in the very first episode you might have missed something. “When Bruce’s parents die and he’s screaming on the floor, if you look closely, he and his parents in the shadows form the shape of a bat. I don’t know if Danny Cannon did that on purpose but I noticed it. I’m gonna ask him about that.”

In the last episode shown in the UK, ‘Lovecraft’, Bruce went on the run with Selina Kyle and briefly managed to escape the ivory tower of Wayne Manor. “I wanna see Bruce go into the real world more,” says Mazouz. “I wanna see him really take his determination, his passion, take his adventures and interact, really face the people he has talked about as the opponent, the enemy. That wish of mine comes true in some of the episodes that come a little later.”

Selina Kyle, played by Camren Bicondova, is still on the run, preferring the streets and her feline independence to the home comforts of Wayne Manor, but her relationship with Bruce progresses. “When you watch any movie or read comic books and you see Batman and Catwoman together it always seems that they have history and they knew each other from another life but they never actually say that,” adds Mazouz. “Now we’re showing when they first interacted with each other, why that sense of history was there.”

Mar 09, 2015 | In: Bruce Wayne, Camren Bicondova, David Mazouz, Press, Season 1, Selina Kyle | 0 comment(s)

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